Thank you to everyone who participated in the community discussion. The WPS Board of Education appreciates the strong engagement from the community. On August 27, the Board of Education referred a question to the November ballot. If you have questions, please email

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Moderation Policy

These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Dr. James Duffy

Chief Operating Officer

Dr. Brian Kosena

Chief Learning Officer

Sandra Nees

Chief Financial Officer

Ryan McCoy

Executive Director of Advancement and Strategic Partnerships

Steve Saunders

Chief Communications Officer

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CTE and STEM Expansion

Industry Training

If you’re a student, parent/caregiver, or educator, we’d like to hear your positive experiences with industry training, certifications, and credentials offered through WPS.

8 August, 2024

Archyr C. says:

I love the cyber security pathway. It is an incredible class with great instruction and engaged students. My favorite class.

8 August, 2024

Rose R says:

I can’t wait to see the biotech lab at Ranum. This will help me become a neurologist someday. This is going to be a great experience.

6 August, 2024

Laila Olivas says:

Certifications with WPS are a great opportunity, but they aren't easy, unless you put in the work. I like how you can start early.