Funding Priorities

WPS Board of Education referred a question to the November ballot on August 27 known as 4C. WPS will ask voters to increase its debt, the following investments and improvements would be made- without raising taxes. Be sure to click on each tab to see details.

Expand CTE and STEM Offerings

$40 million to prepare students for tomorrow’s workforce

On the Iver C. Ranum Innovation Campus students will learn from industry professionals and educators while using state-of-the-art equipment so they can move directly into the workforce upon graduation or have a head start as they move on to higher education. Students will be able to gain skills and earn certifications and job experience in the following fields:

  • Advanced manufacturing
  • Aerospace engineering
  • Biomedical science
  • Computer science
  • Construction engineering
  • Culinary arts
  • Cyber security
  • Engineering
  • Health occupations
  • Power, structural and technical systems

School Safety and Learning Environment Enhancements

$20 million to improve school safety and security and make repairs

Necessary improvements and enhancements include:

  • Replace fire alarms
  • Replace and upgrade past end-of-life intercom systems
  • Install additional cameras districtwide
  • Replace and upgrade windows in schools
  • Install LED lighting throughout the district
  • Install, replace and/or upgrade fencing around schools and playgrounds
  • Replacing floors and ceilings
  • HVAC system and mechanical upgrades
  • Replace or repair roofs
  • Upgrade kitchens, classrooms, and playgrounds

PK-8 Campus at Flynn and Shaw Heights

$40 million for modern PK-8 campus

This comprehensive campus will specialize in robust STEM/CTE pathways and would meet the demand of the future growth of the region and support future enrollment from the Uplands development.